Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 06  NO. 01 JANUARY 2017:

Title:    Effect of Mesh Size of floor slab against lateral loads while using Etabs program
Md. Mahmud Sazzad, Md. Samdani Azad, Md. Tariqul Islam, Faysal Ibna Rahman
This paper represents an analytical overview of using different mesh size while analysis of building frame consisting of area elements in Etabs. It sometimes becomes a challenge for Engineers to arrogate a certain mesh size for floor elements. Meshing is a very important prospect in finite element analysis. Mesh affects not only in statics, but also dynamics of structures as well. All fields of civil engineering faces impressive differences on analytical results due to divergent mesh elements. The boundary value problems greatly reliy on it. Lessening of mesh sizes improves the overall efficiency of building frame by increasing the accuracy of yielding. About 60 models have been analyzed to cope with the optimum outcomes. The outcome of the research guides effective mesh divisions for the Structural Engineers to corroborate the analyses result.
Keywords:.Mesh, Etabs, Finite Element Analysis and Displacement.
:       38-42

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