Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 06 NO. 01 JANUARY 2017:
Behaviour of steel concrete composite columns under
lateral load
Authors: R. Thirumalai, S.
Gobinath, K. S. Deva Prasanth, P. Gowtham, S. Gowtham
Abstract:Composite sections of the steel and
concrete have been utilized and considered around the
world, yet filled tubular columns require more
consideration. Broad examination work has been done in
Japan in the most recent 15 years. This venture displays
a trial study on the conduct of concrete filled steel
circular tubular columns (CFT). This paper talk about
consequences of 16 columns examples with various cross
area and different thickness of steel tube (8 short
columns and 8 long columns . The concrete filled in the
steel tubes is M20 grade. To cast the circular and
square composite columns with different L/D apportion
and wall thickness. To discover the conduct of composite
columns parallel cyclic loading.
Saw Dust, Wheat Husk, Light Weight Bricks
Steel, Composite, Columns, Cyclic Loading, EUROCODE-4