Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 05 NO. 03 JULY 2016:

Title:        Recent developments in utilizing waste tires to reduce seismic earth pressures and liquefaction potential
Authors:    Ravi Kant Mittal, Gourav Gill
Abstract:   In recent time’s great development is being made in utilizing waste materials viz. Tire wastes in ground improvement especially in earthquake mitigation. Utilizing rubber tires in earthquake mitigation is an effective way of dealing with growing waste of tires and costly earthquake protection systems. Its properties like being lightweight and durability make it a very good reinforcing material and its easily available and cheap being a waste product. In recent years’ research is carried out in studying the static and dynamic properties of soil mixed with tire wastes. This review paper summarizes several research works based on the use of tire chips for seismic resistance of soil.The studies revealed that recycled tire chips are efficient in reducing the dynamic earth pressure and absorbing the earthquake vibration because of its relatively high damping ratio and low stiffness values. Liquefaction of saturated sands is one of the most important topics in geotechnical engineering. Scrap derived recycle materials (such as tire chips and tire shreds) are some kinds of reinforcing materials, which can be used to reduce the pore water pressure of soils thus reducing its liquefaction potential. The emerging geo material leads not only to the reduction of the seismic load, but also the seismically induced permanent displacement of the structure. Due to their potential economic and environmental benefits that can enhance the structural performances during earthquakes, tire derived recycled material can be used as reinforcing materials.

Keywords:  Dynamic Earth Pressure, Dynamic Properties, Liquefaction, Shredded Tires, Tire Derived Aggregates, Recycled Material, Tire Chips
Pages:         107-114

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