Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 05 NO. 02 APRIL 2016:
Title: Analytical
study on reinforced concrete beam column joint wrapped
with CFRP
Nagumalli Kedar Nath, T. M. Jeyashree
Buildings are collapsed due to brittle failure
of reinforced concrete (RC) beam column joint, which
faces severe damages by earthquakes of high magnitude.
The focus of this study is to evaluate the behavior of
beam column joint retrofitted with carbon fiber
reinforced polymer wrapping (CFRP). Five beam column
joint specimens including one conventional specimen and
four retrofitted specimens of different configurations
of CFRP sheets were modeled using ANSYS and was analyzed
to find the improvement in various parameters of beam
column joint. Parametric study is carried out by varying
thickness of CFRP wrapping and the thickness considered
are 2 mm and 6 mm for both single layer and double
layer. From the analysis output, it is observed that
CFRP reduces the deflection and improves stiffness,
maximum principal stress and minimum principal stress.
Retrofitting, CFRP, Beam Column Joint
Pages: 68-71