Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 05 NO. 02 APRIL 2016:
Evaluating the response of Rajshahi city
protection embankment, Bangladesh under seismic load
Md. Mahmud Sazzad, Faysal Ibna Rahman, Md.
Abdullah Al Mamun
To evaluate the stability of slope is a major
concern in the field of geotechnical engineering.
Forsimplicity and effectiveness, usually two-dimensional
analysis on limit equilibrium methods (LEMs)
areimplement in this field. Stability of waterfront
structures such as embankments, dams and natural
riverside slopes are hampered due to the seismic load.
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the response of the
seismic load on the stability of slope of the existing
Rajshahi city protection embankment by using LEM.
Bishop, Spencer, Fellenious, Janbu and Morgenstern-Price
methods are used for LEM. For this study, three
locations are selected from Rajshahi city protection
embankment and numerical models are prepared following
the in-situ dimensions of slopes for LEM based studies.
Soli properties are obtained from the laboratory tests.
The geometric models of the cross-section of the
selected locations are prepared with the help of GEO5, a
tool for analyzing the LEM based slope stability
problems. The material properties are assigned and the
numerical analysis are carried out by using GEO5. From
the analysis, it is noted that the factor of safety of
slopes decreases with the increase of horizontal seismic
coefficient, Kh . Horizontal seismic coefficient affects
the stability of slope severely than the vertical
seismic coefficient, Kv . From the analysis, it is also
observed that the factor of safety of theslope of the
existing Rajshahi city protection embankment is
critically stable up to the value of Kh =0.25 and Kv
=0.125(equivalent to 10 for Modified Mercalli intensity
scale and 7-8 for Richter scale) at present under the
seismic load.
Slope stability, Seismic coefficients, Factor
of safety, LEM, Embankment.