Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 04 NO. 04 OCTOBER 2015:

Title:         Wave Penetration Modelling Inside A Marina
Authors:    M. Salauddin, R.M.R.M Jayathilaka, C. A. Rey Velasco
Abstract:   Wave penetration analysis is usually carried out in order to ensure that the coastal structure at harbour or marina like breakwater creates enough shelter for the berthing of ships from waves and currents. Generally, wave penetration inside a marina takes place through the entrance. The type of coastal protection (usually breakwater) also influences the wave agitation inside the marina. This research aimed to investigate the wave penetration inside the marina, a practical case study of developing a marina along the coast of Netherlands was selected in this research. A marina needs to be constructed along the coast of Netherlands which has a significant amount of aesthetic value, safe, and contributes to the economic sector of the country. It should be noted that the design of a marina is not part of this paper. In this research, the wave penetration analysis has been done mainly by using Xbeach software in together with MATLAB and Delft 3D. The model results showed that the wave penetration inside the marina is not significant for considered layout and designedwave conditions. The observed wave heights are in the order of 0.1 m, which according to the criterion should be less than 0.6 m. Therefore, it can be concluded that the breakwaters are accomplishing the objective to decrease the effect of wave action and currents inside the marina.  

Keywords:  Marina, Wave Height, Wave Penetration, Xbeach
Pages:        226-231

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