Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 04  NO. 03 JULY 2015:

Title:         Seismic response of base isolated structure versus fixed based structure during strong ground motions
:Haris Alam, Muhammad Fahad, Khan Shahzada, Naveed Ali, Fasih Ahmed Khan
 After 2005 Pakistan earthquake the damage to the structures were severe and different techniques were needed to be evaluated to increase seismic capacity of the buildings. Base isolation is one of such techniques, on which limited research has been carried out. This paper wi ll presents a comprehensive description of the current stage of knowledge on the behavior of hardware used in seismic isolation and in seismic damping systems. Particularly the study deals with the description of fundamental behavior of fixed based and based isolated under both service-type of loading conditions and under high strain rates. Specific problems addressed in this study will include the estimation of design displacement using UBC-97 parameter for DBE. The response of building subjected to a set of seven time histories. The analysis result shows that UBC-97 predicts isolator’s displacements successfully. On comparison of base isolated and a fixed based building, it was observed that inter story drift and floor Shear were significantly reduced. While the overall displacement in the building are amplified as a result of Base isolation. But the relative displacement in the structure are reduced as major portion of the displacement is produced in the isolation devices. Hence reducing the damages in the super structure of base isolated structure. The presented information may represent the basis for the development of modern Guide Specifications for Seismic Isolation Design in Pakistan.
Base Isolation, damping System, Time Histories, UBC-97, Displacement, Story drift, Story Sheart

pages              193-197

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