Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 04 NO. 03 JULY 2015:
Utilization of waste glass powder as a partial
replacement of cement in concrete
Authors: Fasih Ahmed Khan,
Muhammad Fahad, Khan Shahzada, Haris Alam, Naveed Ali
Concrete is the most commonly used
material in the world, which is a mixture of Portland
cement,aggregates (including fine and coarse aggregate),
water and with or without admixtures. Many researches
are carried out these days on the replacement of
Portland cement with waste materials having pozzolanic
effect like Fly ash, Bagasse ash, Silica fume and marble
powder etc. Waste Glass Powder can also be used as a
binder with the partial replacement of cement, it also
acts as a filler material. Waste glass when ground to a
very fine powder shows pozzolanic properties as it
contains high SiO2 and therefore to some extent can
replace cement in concrete and contribute strength
development. In this study Glass Powder partially
replaced at varying percentage 0 to 40 percent by weight
of cement, and tested for its workability and
Compressive strength up to 84 days of age and were
compared with those of conventional concrete. The
overall test results shows that Waste Glass Powder could
be utilized in concrete as a good substitute of cement.
The research concluded that with the age of testing
affects the compressive strength. The reduction of
workability was observed with the increase of glass
powder content, as the slump value decreased with a
constant amount. The initial Strength was less as
compared to the conventional concrete, but after 28 days
the pozzolanic activity started and the difference of
strength between conventional concrete and glass powder
concrete reduced to 12 percent. At 15 percent
replacement of cement by Glass powder, the concrete
gives maximum strength which is about 88.22 percent of
the control mix. Thus 15 percent GP content is
recommended as optimum replacement content for strength.le.
Keywords:zzolana, Glass Powder, Concrete,
Cement Replacement