Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 04 NO. 01 JANUARY 2015:
Title: Finite element analysis of box culvert
A. C. Lande, S. K. Kamane, S. A. Mahadik
Abstract: The
culverts are required to balance the flood water on both
sides of earth embankment to reduce flood level on one
side of road thereby decreasing the water head
consequently reducing the flood menace. Culverts can be
of different shapes such as arch, slab and box. These
can be constructed with brick, stone or reinforced
cement concrete. Since culvert passes through the
earthen embankment, these are subjected to same traffic
loads as the road carries and therefore, required to be
designed for such loads. The scope of this has been
further restricted to the structural design of box. The
structural design involves consideration of load cases
and factors like live load, effective width, dispersal
of load through fill, impact factor, co-efficient of
earth pressure etc. The structural elements are required
to be designed to withstand maximum bending moment and
shear force. So excel program is developed for analysis
and it is compared with software results. So analysis of
box culvert is carried out for it for various box
conditions and structural design is suggested for
critical cases. In skew box culvert various angles are
considered and analysis of box culvert is carried out
for various conditions.
Keywords: Box Culvert, Surcharge
Loading, FEM