Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 04 NO. 01 JANUARY 2015:
Bagasse ash utilization as viscosity modifying agent to
produce an economical self compacting concrete
Usman Amjad, Syed Azmat Ali Shah, Zeeshan Ahad
Abstract: In this
research for viscosity modifying agent in place of an
expensive admixture, the usage of bagasse ash is
assessed. Super Plasticizer values are kept constant and
Bagasse ash is added in different proportions and a
study is carried out on its hardened and fresh
properties. Results indicated to the possibility of
utilizing bagasse ash to develop an economical SCC.
Different mixes of concrete (including Control Concrete
and Blended mixes) displayed the slump flow values in
the range of 313 mm to 675 mm, L-box ratio from 0.9 to
0.8 and flow time from 1.4 seconds to no flow were
obtained for the fresh state of concrete. Two mixes out
of five met the requirements recommended by the European
guide lines for making self-compacting concrete
(EFNARC). Self-compacting blended mixes of bagasse ash
at 28 and 56 days showed comparable results with control
concrete with a cost reduction of 43.23%. The outcomes
of this research will positively affect the commercial
construction scenario of Pakistan and bring economical
and environmental safety benefits as bagasse ash is
locally available free of cost, which is wasted in
millions of tons every year without any usage in
Keywords: Admixtures, Bagasse
Ash, Construction, Economical, Self-Compacting Concrete
Pages: 40-46