Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 03 NO. 04 OCTOBER 2014:
FEM simulation of the viscous effects of
loading rate on Albany sand
Abu Hena Muntakim, Mohammed Saiful Alam
In this research, effect of strain rate
on the albany sand has been studied by elastic
visco-plastic constitutive model within the three
component framework. Strain rate effect can be modeled
by using any one of the (i) isotach, (ii) tesra
(temporary effects of strain rate and acceleration) or
viscous evanescent and (iii) p & n (positive and
negative viscosity), models of the three component
framework. Usually “isotach” is appropriate for clay and
soft rock, “tesra” is appropriate for sand and “p & n”
is appropriate for sand with less angularity like albany
sand. Here in this research triaxial compression (tc)
tests results of albany sand at different strain rate
has been modeled successfully into a commercially
available package called “abaqus”. The p&n model was
implemented into a generalized elasto-plastic isotropic
strain-hardening non-linear model in C++. The model is
then embedded in the finite element computer program
abaqus. Abaqus was used for the actual analysis. In
order to define p & n model, user subroutine of abaqus
“umat” was written in C++ and used. Abaqus is such a
robust fem software that allows writing subroutines for
describing material behavior. Generally umat is written
in fortran but in this study, the main model is written
in C++ and then it is called by fortran with appropriate
change in abaqus environment file. Without spending any
significant extra computational time or storage this p &
n model embedded in fe code can simulate the
time-dependent stress-strain behavior accurately.
Constitutive Law, Numerical Simulation ,Three
Component Framework, P&N Model, Elasto-Plastic Model,
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