Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763


Title:         Load test on post tensioned pre-stressed concrete gantry supporting girder
K. Gurunaathan, G. S. Thirugnanam
 Load testing is one of the functional tests to validate if it can be used with confidence. It is the process of applying loads on a system and measuring certain useful parameters. It is carried out to determine the behavior of the system under service load conditions. It helps identify the maximum loads that the structural element can withstand without much deformation. It will also help finding out any deficiencies to determine which part of the system causes failures. The load-deflection behavior of the Gantry supporting girder has been studied by carrying out the load test after simulating the actual field conditions. The deflections under different load conditions have been noted down. Maximum deflections at mid span due to live loads were noted down and the average hogging in the PSC gantry girder was also noted down. The vertical displacement of girders at mid span due to imposed load was compared with the hogging [upward deflection] of the beam. Also, the recovery at mid span was observed on removal of the test load. Finally, the beam was checked for any cracks to find out if the beam was capable of carrying the intended live loads.

Keywords:   Load test, Gantry girder, Pre-stressed concrete, Deflection, Recovery, Single point loading
Page no:      339-342

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