Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 03 NO. 03 JULY 2014:
Comparison of wind load among BNBC and other codes in
different type of areas
Authors: R. M. Faysal
Abstract: Wind load as a part of lateral
load is very important concern in structural analysis.
Rationale wind load can be ensured in a structure by
following established and tested building codes. In
Bangladesh this purpose has been served by BNBC since
1993. The current BNBC 1993 is going to be replaced by
an updated BNBC code which is popularly known as BNBC
2010. In this paper both BNBC codes are studied and
compared between them as well as with NBC-India- 2005,
IBC 2009 and ASCE 7-05 in terms of wind load using a
parameter termed as factored total wind pressure. The
investigation reveals that wind load in urban areas
(Exposure A) according to BNBC 2010 is slightly higher
than BNBC 1993. But wind load in obstructed and
unobstructed open terrain type areas (Exposure B and C)
according to BNBC 2010 is notable lower than BNBC 1993.
Further wind load according to BNBC 2010 is exactly
equal to wind load according ASCE 7-05 and slightly less
than IBC 2009. Again, in urban and obstructed open
terrain type areas NBC-India- 2005 is most conservative
while BNBC 1993 is most conservative in unobstructed
open terrain type areas in terms of wind load among the
comparing codes.
BNBC, Other codes, Factored total wind
pressure, Different type of areas, Increase or Decrease.
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