Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 03 NO. 02 APRIL 2014:
Study on the salinity and pH and its effect on
geotechnical properties of soil in south-west region of
Authors: Rahanuma Tajnin,
Tabassum Abdullah, Md. Rokonuzzaman
The soil in the south-west region of Bangladesh
has much salinity and pH. The high salinity and pH may
lead the changing of geotechnical properties of soils.
The study zone is the south-west region of Bangladesh.
Samples have been collected from 22 different locations
of 8 districts (Khulna, Jhalkathi, Satkhira, Bagerhat,
Borguna, Vola, Pirojpur and Potuakhali). The properties
of soil obtained from all laboratory tests are specific
gravity, plastic limit, liquid limit, shrinkage limit,
particle size distribution (percentage of sand, silt and
clay), moisture content, unit weight, shear strength,
compression index, recompression index, initial void
ratio,and preconsolidation stress. The soil used in this
investigation is “Inorganic silts of medium
compressibility and organic silts” as per Casagrande
Plasticity Chart. The variation of different properties
of soil with salinity and pH has been evaluated in
graphical representation. A specific trend in varitation
is obtained. The specific gravity of soil is almost same
and the there is no variation with salinity and pH.
Moisture content decreases with salinity but increase
upto peak and then starts to decrease with pH. Shrinkage
limit and plastic limit decrease with salinity and pH.
Liquid limit and unit weight increase with salinity but
decrease with pH. Undrained shear strength,
recompression index increase with salinity and pH.
Compression index increases with salinity but do not
vary with pH. Initial void ratio increases upto peak
then decreases with salinity but do not vary with pH.
Preconsolidation stress increases upto peak then
decreases with salinity but increases with pH..
Salinity, pH, Engineering properties, Physical
properties, Soil salinity test
Page No: 138-147