Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 03 NO. 02 APRIL 2014:
Strength Studies on Geopolymer Mortar for Ferro
Geopolymer Water Tank
Authors: Thanush Thampi,
Sreevidya V., Venkatasubramani R.
Geopolymer mortar is an innovative construction
material which is produced by the chemical action of
inorganic molecules. In Geopolymer mortar, Portland
cement is not utilized at all. The recent environmental
awareness in construction industry promotes the use of
alternative binders to partially or fully replace the
cement as its production creates environmental pollution
due to release of CO2 into atmosphere. A great
development around the world in new types of inorganic
cementitious binders is the “geopolymeric cement”. This
prompted its use in mortar and concrete, which improves
the greenness of ordinary concrete. Fly ash is one of
the most normally preferred substitutes for cement
because concrete workability and durability are enhanced
by fly ash by their small size and round shape. This
paper presents the mechanical properties with emphasis
on compressive strength and tensile strength of
geopolymer mortar at ambient and heat curing for
construction of a geopolymer water tank.
Fly Ash, Geopolymer , Sodium hydroxide , Sodium
Page No: 102-105