Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 03 NO. 02 APRIL 2014:
Calibration and Validation of Numerical Models
through Experimental Tests
Authors: Muhammad
Tayyab Naqash, Giuseppe Brando, Gianfranco De Matteis
Finite Element Method (FEM) is an affective
numerical technique oftenly used for solving models in
differential form. For detailed study of any
experimental test it is useful to develop a finite
element model that aids in simulating the result of the
experimental test precisely. This research paper is
aimed at calibration and validation of an accurate
numerical model. Initially, the models are suitably
calibrated on the basis of experimental tests conducted
by De Matteis et al [1, 2] for aluminium T-stub
connections. In addition, these numerical models are
also calibrated and consequently validated for the steel
material using the experimental tests of Bursi and
Jaspart [3, 4]. Furthermore, this paper also highlights
sensitivity analysis for mesh size of different
component of metal connections and different contact
interations with several friction coefficients. With the
help of force-displacement curves intereting results
showing the accuracy of the model are provided. It is
believed that the paper will help the researchers who
are involved in the calibration of numerical models for
metallic structures.
T-stub connections, Finite Element Model,
Calibration, Sensitivity analysis, Validation
Page No: 80-90