Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 03 NO. 02 APRIL 2014:

Title:        Effect on permeability and shear strength with the variation of grain size of sand
Sohana Afreen, Md. Abul Bashar
Permeability and shear strength are very important properties of a soil which are affected by grain size of soil particles. For the improvement of soft soil sometimes sand pile are used. The main objective is to investigate which type of sand is more suitable for sand pile economically. in this project, an attempt is made to relate permeability and frictional angle with the properties of grain size of soil such as effective size (d10), mean particle size etc. the properties of grain size can be found out from gradation curve. The results of coefficient of permeability vary from 1× 10-3 to 15× 10-3. The permeability increased significantly with the increase of mean particle size and effective size of sand. Frictional angle increased with the increase of permeability of soil but the variation is very insignificant. Shear strength also increased with the increase of mean particle size but the variation is also insignificant in this case. as the changes of value of frictional angle is negligible with the changes of size of sand from fine sand to coarse sand, local sand may be used with certain percentages of Kushtia sand in lieu of percentages of Sylhet sand in case of designing sand pile economically.
 Permeability, Sand Drain, Shear Strength, Frictional Angle, Local Sand
Page No:    69-74

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