Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 02  NO. 04 OCTOBER  2013:

Title:        Effect of mineral admixtures on the properties of mass concrete - A review
  Muhammad Ejaz Shabab, Khan Shahzada, Muhammad Ashraf, Muhammad Fahad
This study addresses the various aspects of massive concrete construction and one of the major problems associated with such type of concreting i.e. thermal cracking. A detailed review has been presented on the mitigation strategies of various researchers in controlling the problem of thermal cracking and temperature gradients caused during massive concrete structures. The mineral substitution techniques used in current day research have been qualitatively assessed and a better judgement has been proposed while utilizing the capabilities of such mineral substitutions. The experimental techniques adopted to investigate the thermal gradients established within massive concrete members have also been reviewed and a synopsis is presented. The behaviour of mineral admixtures with respect to their dosages in mass concrete specimen has been critically looked upon and the variation in the performances in establishing respective temperature thresholds are analysed. Moreover, the beneficial role of various mineral substitutions in controlling the cracking propensity of the concrete structures have been put forward by presenting a real-time case scenario for adaptation in future research studies in addressing the cracking behaviour of mass concrete specimen. Adiabatic temperature rise,rate of adiabatic temperature rise and the cracking temperatures in mass concrete specimen have been selected as primary point of research interest and the dosage rates of mineral admixtures kept as the variable while addressing the behavioural characteristics of crack generation and existence of steep temperature gradients.

Keywords: Massive concrete, Thermal cracking, Temperature gradients
pages:        147-151

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