Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 03 JULY 2013:
Title: Construction
management practices for demolition and renovation of
structure in south-west region of Bangladesh: A Case
Authors: M. Jobaer Hasan, M. Yeasin
Mostafiz, M. J. Hossain
Abstract: Demolition is the tearing down
of buildings and other structures for the beneficial
purposes. Here the word management refers to coordinated
works of demolition and renovation works with respect to
time frame. The main objective of construction
management is the cost effectiveness in conjunction with
safety measure during construction. A good number of
buildings, structures in south-western region of
Bangladesh were damaged due to environmental effects,
such as - salinity, corrosion of reinforcement and soil
characteristics. The important thing is that, in
south-west region workers are locally available at low
rate than south-east region. In this study, mainly the
demolition and renovation works of roof slab and some
other parts of a students’ dormitory (Fazlul Haque Hall)
in Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET)
which was damaged due to salinity and corrosion of
reinforcement were analyzed by critical path method
(CPM). It has found that if the contractor had applied
CPM at the beginning of the project the firm could have
saved at least 19 days for the work items of North block
which was demolished manually. Demolition management
deals with the demolition of those affected structures
with reference to proper management for instant safety
management, time management and cost management. In case
of manual demolition, it requires more time than
mechanical or explosive demolition. Moreover, it is
difficult to maintain time frame because concrete
strength is not same in each and every section so it is
difficult to predict required time to demolish the
Keywords: Demolition works, construction &
safety management, time management & cost effectiveness
pages: 110-117