Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 03 JULY 2013:
Title: Behaviour
of Infill Walls under Lateral Loads in Reinforced
Concrete Frames - A Review
Authors: Syed Azmat Ali Shah, Khan
Shahzada, Salman Afzal,
Muhammad Ejaz Shabab, Nouman Khattak
Abstract: In modern day construction practices,
one of the most feasible choices of erecting concrete
buildings is to construct concrete frame structures as
it allows the contractors to follow a smooth pattern of
work during the various construction stages with ease
and appreciable economy. The frame members are infilled
with concrete masonry units, bricks, cast-in-place
concrete or wood etc. The design of reinforced concrete
frames usually ignores the beneficial or adverse effects
of incorporation of infill walls within a frame. The
interaction of masonry units as framing elements and the
adjoining frame members might not be noteworthy during
static load analysis procedure however when the same
reinforced concrete frame undergoes lateral drifts due
to dynamic forces, the behavior of the infill walls
becomes noteworthy. A review of the various approaches
has been presented in this paper that addresses the
performance of masonry infill walls under lateral loads
i.e. the application of dynamic forces.
Keywords: In fill wall, Concrete Masonry
Unit, Lateral Loads, Dynamic Forces
pages 106-109