Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 02 APRIL 2013:
Title: Experimental
Studies on Strength and Durability of Mortars Containing
Pozzolonic Materials
Authors: C. M. Ravikumar,
Sreenivasa M.B., K. Abdul Raheem,
M. H. Prashanth, M. Vijay Sekhar Reddy
Abstract: The paper discusses the effects
of using different pozzolonic materials as a partial
cement replacement material in mortar mixes. An
experimental study of mortar made with Ordinary Portland
cement (OPC) and 12% of OPC, replaced by different
pozzolanic materials such as Fly Ash, Rice Husk ash,
Silica Fume, Calcined Clay (Grog) and Slag (GGBS) were
tested for the strength and durability properties, to
determine the effect of these materials on mortar
properties and was compared to control mortar mix.
Mortar specimens were tested for compressive strength at
age of 3, 7 and 28 days and
flexural strength at age of 28 days. To investigate the
mortar for its durability, the specimens after initial
curing of 28 days were immersed in fresh water with
solutions of 10% sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) and 10%
magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) for another period of 3
months. Through this period, the specimens were tested
for compressive strength at 60, 90 and 120 days to
evaluate its durability.
Keywords: Pozzolanic, Mortars,
Compressive strength, Flexural strength, Durability
pages: 45-49