Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 01 JANUARY 2013:
Title: Influence
of Treated Water on the Early Age Autogenous Shrinkage
of Cement Paste
Authors: Md. Rokon Hasan,
Muhammad Harunur Rashid, S M Arifur Rahman, Salma Alam
Abstract: Autogenous shrinkage of cement
pastes both for early and later ages cause cracks in
many cases because of improper setting. Since early age
autogenous shrinkage normally considered as the time of
24 hours just after mixing water and without any
moisture migration, it is really difficult to measure
the early age properties. Because in this stage cement
paste stands as semi liquid and starts to hardening.
However in this stage there occurs considerable volume
change due to autogenous shrinkage. The aim of this work
is to investigate this shrinkage of cement paste at
constant temperature and humidity for ordinary Portland
cement and Portland composite cement using treated water
with a non destructive technique. Also the performances
for both cement was investigated using acidic, alkaline
& mineral water. The non destructive experimental setup
has been performed in six special type glass bottle,
where three for ordinary Portland cement and rest for
Portland composite cement maintaining the pH of water
5,7,10 respectively. And it has been investigated that
besides composition of cement, pH of water also largely
influences the shrinkage value in early stage. Also from
the fineness of cement paste these shrinkage value is
compared. It is observed that lowering the pH of water
the performances of cement paste decreased for both
cement. And the Portland composite cement shows greater
shrinkage than ordinary Portland cement. Also with
increasing fineness of cement shrinkage also
increased.Therefore, this paper provides insight
regarding how to interpret early age autogenous
shrinkage, how treated water play a role, and
comparative analysis of shrinkage in the early age.
Keywords: Shrinkage; Autogenous
Shrinkage; Capillary Pressure; Treated Water; Early Age;
Volume Change
pages: 36-39