Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 02 NO. 01 JANUARY 2013:
Title: Increasing
the sustainability of concrete by using Super
Plasticizers - A Study
Authors: Syed Allah Bakash, B. Krishna
Reddy .
Abstract: Sustainable development is the
challenge of meeting human needs for natural resources,
industrial products, energy, food, transportation,
shelter and effective waste management while conserving
and protecting environmental quality and the natural
resource base essential for future development. It is
well known fact that in the manufacturing 1 metric ton
of cement produces 0.9 metric ton of CO2. To overcome
this problem the us of cement in concrete and cement
mortars should be decreased. This can be done by
replacing the cement into other available cementetious
materials or by using different admixtures. However most
of the modern concretes almost always possess additives,
either in the mineral form or chemical form.
Particularly, chemical admixtures such as water reducers
and set controllers are invariably used to enhance the
properties of fresh and hardened concrete. In this
review paper the superplasticizer which is an admixture
to concrete is being used. Their addition to concrete or
mortar allows the reduction of the water to cement
ratio, not affecting the workability ofthe mixture, and
enables the production of self-consolidating concrete
and high performance concrete. This ffect drastically
improves the performance of the hardening fresh paste.
Indeed the strength of concrete increase whenever the
amount of water used for the mix decreases. However,
their working mechanisms lack of afull understanding,
revealing in certain cases cement-superplasticizer
incompatibilities. These polymers are used as
dispersants to avoid particle aggregation, and to
improve the rheology of suspensions such as in concrete
applications. Superplasticized concrete pumps easily and
arrives workable. For maximum effectiveness,however,
superplasticizers must be added to the mix at the right
Keywords: Sustainability, rheology, water
reducers, superplasticizers, use of natural resources
Pages: 36-39