Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering

ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763

VOLUME 01 NO. 02 OCTOBER 2012:

Title:         Retrofitting of brick masonry columns by ferocementing
Khan Shahzada, Bashir Alam, Muhammad Javed, Zaigham Ali,
Hasan Khan, Syed Shahan Ali Shah
This project has been selected in the aftermath of devastation in the North Pakistan and Kashmir due to damaging Earthquake of October 8, 2005. Retrofitting of masonry columns has been made by using ferrocement. Two sizes of columns have been used. 9 in x 9 in Retrofitted columns gave strength 1.5 times more then the strength of unretrofitted 9 inch x 9 inch columns. While 13.5 inch x 13.5 inch Retrofitted columns gave strength 1.35 times more than the strength of unretrofitted columns. Which shows that the strength was recovered by the damaged columns infect the columns became more strong due to retrofitting. Columns showed ductile behavior during failure.
Keywords: Masonry columns, Ferrocement, Retrofitting.
Pages:       50-54

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