Int. J. Advanced Structures & Geotechnical Engineering
ISSN 2319-5347, ISI Impact Factor: 0.763
VOLUME 01 NO. 01 JULY 2012:
Investigation of Mechanical and Thermal
Properties of Light Weight Brick
Authors: Hassan Khan,
Zaigham Ali, Amjad Naseer, Khan Shahzada,
Shahid Ali, Syed Shahan Ali
Abstract: The main objective of this research
is to check the insulation properties of lightweight
bricks; prepared by mixing some organic materials in the
clay. Organic materials in bricks evaporate during
burning, resulting small pores in bricks, causing
reduction in weight and improve insulation of bricks.
Six Different samples of bricks are made by replacing
5%, 10%&15% of clay proportion with Saw dust and Wheat
husk, to make the bricks light and more insulated than
normal brick. Brick samples are tested for absorption as
well as direct compression test. Other important test
performed is thermal test which is done in order to
compare the rate of change of temperature of each sample
and standard brick by providing suitable arrangement in
the form of a mould having an electric heater of 1000W
power and a digital thermometer having accuracy of 0.1
oC. Out of six specimens Wheat Husk 5% gave
best results satisfying all the standards and having
less weight and greater insulation than the normal
Saw Dust, Wheat Husk, Light Weight Bricks